This came in today:
Her mother writes, “My girl is fascinated by this race.” “She even made me cut out Pete’s photos from today’s paper and put them on our refrigerator — after I read her the articles. My politically-informed 4-year old!”
This came in today:
Her mother writes, “My girl is fascinated by this race.” “She even made me cut out Pete’s photos from today’s paper and put them on our refrigerator — after I read her the articles. My politically-informed 4-year old!”
Pete, you’re a stud. You have cute girls like this young lady and Greta campaigning for you.
Now this is a campaign ad!
I wish this many adults were so politically savvy. I hope she retains her ability to pay attention to the issues and make sensible choices. We need more like you, and less of Snorrin’ Orrin…
My son has recently taken to combing his hair (post shower) slicked to the side in a side part and exclaims, “Look Mom, I look just like Pete Ashdown!” The kid endorsements are the most honest by far!