Apparently the people telling us that everything is OK with a “test” blowing up 700 tones of ammonium nitrate can’t schedule a meeting venue properly. It has been moved at the last minute. On the bright side, Governor Huntsman is aware of the farce that DTRA is putting on and has scheduled another meeting with real public input. In any case, please try to show up for both.
Forwarded information:
The Jan. 10 public meeting on Divine Strake will be moved to the Grand America Hotel at 555 So. Main at 6:30 p.m. The National Nuclear Security Administration and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency said late today that the location wasn’t available. Curious they didn’t know this earlier.
You’ll have a chance to participate in a true public hearing where public comment will be taken at hearings that Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman is hosting. They will be:
St. George, Jan. 18 from 5-8 p.m. in the Dunford Auditorium of the Browning Building at Dixie State College Salt Lake City, Jan. 24 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Room 135 of the Utah Capitol West Building, main floor.
Pete, could you post a transcript of your comment at last night’s Divine Strake forum here for all of us to read? I had to leave before you spoke, and I only heard a short blurb about it on KCPW this morning, but I would be very interested in knowing more about what you said.