Banning Open Wireless on KUER RadioWest

Here is a recording of the RadioWest program that I participated on this morning. I was asked in email to post links to some of the things I talked about.

Public Utilities and Technology Interim Committee Membership.
Here are the classes that XMission provides at the Salt Lake City library on filtering and tools we make available to parents.
Here is how to use the filter XMission makes available to anyone using our network, including the free wireless locations, at no extra cost.
Here is a list of locations XMission provides free wireless Internet to.
DansGuardian is the open-source software we use to provide filtering. maintains the filters we use and contribute to.
According to this site, China is #1 in pornography revenue. Over double what the US revenues are. This for a country that has officially “banned” pornography.

2 thoughts on “Banning Open Wireless on KUER RadioWest

  1. You also mentioned writing to the members of the Technology Committee at the State House about the importance of open wireless, but I can’t find a listing of them for 2007. I did find the 2006 committee. Any chance you know who they are, or should we just write the representatives for our districts?

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