It is deeply humbling to be on the receiving end of the support I have seen in this campaign. From sign construction and delivery to marching in parades, the efforts of volunteers fuel my fire to press on.
For some, their contributions have been constant, showing up repeatedly to events all over Utah. Others may help out once, but due to their own busy schedule, this is a big sacrifice. Some work in front of me, some work without recognition — putting postcards on cars at a concert, plastering south Salt Lake with signs, or carefully emailing everyone they know to spread the word. Each day brings another surprise from a mystery volunteer.
Politicians speak of the “grass roots” as if they can buy a bag of seed at the Home Depot. Labeling the efforts of volunteers in this campaign as “grass root” support is almost an insult, for what I have seen has been far more passionate and creative than anything happening nationwide. It speaks of desire to return government to the people, to forge a better tomorrow, to believe in the greatness that is America.
I read an ancient African proverb recently that sums it up. “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a few mosquitoes.” Volunteer efforts to push this campaign forward make all the difference.
Please join us at the campaign office on Wednesday, August 9th, at 6:00 PM for a volunteer appreciation party. The office is located at 780 East South Temple in Salt Lake City.
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