Sign War



Foothill SignsIt appears that the “sign war” has begun. Last night, all of our signs in the Salt Lake Foothill area magically disappeared, including a 10 foot banner that was zip-tied to a brick wall. All of the signs, including the banner, were on private property.

Equally magical is the fact that Republican signs have suddenly appeared in the same area.

So here’s the deal. First, check out our sign map and let us know if your sign is not on the map. Please consider sending us a digital picture of the sign in your yard. Second, I’m offering $500 to anyone who can get video or a picture of an identifiable individual removing or vandalizing any Democrat’s sign located on private property. I’m sure there are a number of webcam ninjas who will delight in this challenge. Set the bait, spring the trap, and wait for the rat.

The campaign has a lot of signs waiting for deployment at headquarters right now. The office is at 780 East South Temple in Salt Lake. Every time a sign is stolen or taken down, replace it, but also find two additional neighbors to take signs in protest.

Update: Rob Miller has pledged an additional $500 on my bounty. Thanks Rob!
Joe Spencer has pledged $50!

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“Never refused a debate”



Lincoln / DouglasThis morning I fell through the looking-glass when I heard Senator Hatch being interviewed on KCPW. It is a strange world, where you can accuse the other side of partisanship and obstructionism while claiming you have never done it yourself.

Lara Jones, the interviewer, asked Senator Hatch if he was going to debate his opponent. I was looking forward to his answer because in spite of requesting a debate via registered letter, I’ve heard nothing in response. The closest thing to an answer is Hatch campaign manager Dave Hansen fumbling the ball in response to Ethan Millard at SLCSpin. Even though Senator Hatch has most of August off, campaign season apparently hasn’t started yet.

Senator Hatch’s answer? “I’ve never refused a debate in my life.” I suppose that is accurate. He didn’t refuse my request for debate, he ignored it. I gave him opportunity to debate anywhere, anytime, and this is written off in the same breath as, “We’re not going to do it to the ridiculous extreme.”

The seven Lincoln/Douglas debates started in August and were held all over the state of Illinois. I ask Senator Hatch to merely match this effort. Instead of waiting until the last week of October to have one or two, let us allow the public to ask us questions in several open debate forums. Note that Democrat Jim Matheson has already agreed to six debates with his Republican challenger. The Utah State Fair falls in Dave Hansen’s “campaign season”, I see little reason not to have the first debate then.

In any case, Senator Hatch and myself are not the only candidates in this race. The other candidates have graciously agreed to debate this Saturday, August 12th, at 10:30 AM in the Salt Lake City Public Library. I hope to see you there.

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Volunteers Extraordinaire



Wasatch County ParadeIt is deeply humbling to be on the receiving end of the support I have seen in this campaign. From sign construction and delivery to marching in parades, the efforts of volunteers fuel my fire to press on.

For some, their contributions have been constant, showing up repeatedly to events all over Utah. Others may help out once, but due to their own busy schedule, this is a big sacrifice. Some work in front of me, some work without recognition — putting postcards on cars at a concert, plastering south Salt Lake with signs, or carefully emailing everyone they know to spread the word. Each day brings another surprise from a mystery volunteer.

Politicians speak of the “grass roots” as if they can buy a bag of seed at the Home Depot. Labeling the efforts of volunteers in this campaign as “grass root” support is almost an insult, for what I have seen has been far more passionate and creative than anything happening nationwide. It speaks of desire to return government to the people, to forge a better tomorrow, to believe in the greatness that is America.

I read an ancient African proverb recently that sums it up. “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a few mosquitoes.” Volunteer efforts to push this campaign forward make all the difference.

Please join us at the campaign office on Wednesday, August 9th, at 6:00 PM for a volunteer appreciation party. The office is located at 780 East South Temple in Salt Lake City.

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Campaign Pledges



PledgesCampaign promises are a literal joke that repeats every political season. Self-limiting terms, fiscal responsibility, and tax returns the size of postcards, to name a few. Within hours of election, the newly minted official has already forgotten the promises that put them over the top.

In differentiating my candidacy from the others, making campaign pledges are important. Talk is cheap. Instead of tossing these pledges into the wind and nobody taking them seriously, I will cement my commitment to my word. Today I held a press conference where I detailed the following pledges. I have signed twenty notarized copies which are being sent to the press and to prominent Republican leaders throughout Utah. If you are in Republican leadership and would like a signed copy, please contact me directly or my campaign. Once the twenty are distributed, I will post a list of individuals possessing signed copies on the website.


  • Democracy – I will actively strive for broad public collaboration, equally weighing and considering the input and advice of the American people with those alongside me in Washington.
  • Open and Honest Leadership – I will be open and honest about the dealings of my office. I will continue to publish my calendar of meetings and events in relation to my public life. While doing this, I will protect individual privacy and national security where requested or necessary.
  • Fair Elections – I vow to serve only three terms if incumbent advantage cannot be overcome or eliminated. I will reform campaign financing either by a shared donation pool for all candidates seeking the same office or through public financing. I will also work to eliminate the seniority system in Washington by replacing ranking committee leadership with a random lottery appointment system.
  • Fiscal Responsibility – Until there is a balanced budget and the United States is cleared of all debt, I will stand with Congressman Jim Matheson in voting down congressional pay raises. Until this happens, I will donate any salary increase to charity.
  • No Nuclear Testing – I will fight against any and all forms of testing on the Nevada nuclear testing ranges.

See a large format image of the signed pledge sheet here.

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Standing for You



Your VoiceIt looks like the opposition effort to define me because I somehow haven’t defined myself is already underway.

The front page of my Collaboration Wiki explains, “Pete uses the input from these pages to form his official policy, which can be found on his official campaign web site at issues.” It is arrogant to go to Washington believing that I am an expert on everything. Most politicians today are educated by their staff, lobbyists, and special interests. The people come in a distant last, if at all. I prefer to put the people first and will use every method at my disposal to measure and understand their needs and interests. My education on issues will involve the people who are affected by my decisions.

Private meetings and gated town-hall discussions are the marks of despot, not a leader committed to the best interest of the people. Jefferson stated at his first inaugural address, “The diffusion of information and the arraignment of all abuses at the bar of public reason, I deem [one of] the essential principles of our government, and consequently [one of] those which ought to shape its administration.” Jefferson’s vision is not shared by many in government today.

People ask what assurance they have that I will remain committed to them as a representative, rather than being wrapped up in the culture that is Washington. If you want to know what kind of Senator I will be, look at what kind of businessman I have been. Throughout the past thirteen years of running XMission in a very difficult industry, I have consistently held the needs of my customers, my employees, and my community above my own. This has been the secret to my success. Instead accepting frequent offers to sell that would have enriched me for the short term, I have thought of what will keep customers consistently voting for my business with their pocketbooks. To some, thirteen years of running a successful business is something that should be demeaned as insignificant or “little”, but that is what got me started on the political road to begin with. My representatives rarely listened to my and other Utahns thoughts on the issues because we do not figure into their reelection or fund raising campaigns. I will not follow this same path for it is not what American leadership is.

I ask all Utahns to consider experience in this election. Born and raised in Utah and running a successful business verses the experience of perpetuating a dysfunctional federal government that knows no financial restraint. The choice is yours.

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Debate Request



The following letter has been sent via registered mail and PGP signed email to all five other candidates running for U.S. Senate in Utah.

Dear Mr. Bradley/Hatch/Hatch/Price/Seely,

This letter constitutes a formal and public challenge to debate on the issues upcoming in this November’s election. I believe we owe it to the people of Utah to clearly and strongly articulate our positions. To that end, I challenge you to debate me, and any other party’s nominee, in each county in the state of Utah during the month of August. I feel that we can begin these debates in Salt Lake City on August 12, at the Salt Lake City Main Library.

This summer, 27 Utah counties (all except Daggett and Grand) will hold county fairs, events that represent major public gatherings for their communities. I urge that we take advantage of these audiences and debate. I realize that some may conflict with your schedule, but I think that we can organize our schedules to visit all 29 counties during this fair season.

I am willing to negotiate all aspects of the debate, with the intent of simplifying the technicalities to maintain focus on the primary goal: presenting the electorate with an opportunity to hear from both parties. If you are unable to debate in person, I would be more than happy to debate a member of your campaign staff, county Constitution/Desert Greens/Republican/Personal Choice/Libertarian chair, or any other representative. We both owe it to the public to present our own values, policies, and positions.

I am releasing this letter to the public, the press, and the county fair committees, in the hope that you will accept my challenge. If you have any questions, wish to negotiate, or to accept, please feel free to contact me.

I look forward to your timely response.


Pete Ashdown

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Pioneer Day



Last Monday night in Salt Lake City was the biggest fireworks show of the year. With the help of able friends and volunteers, we distributed 850 ice-cream “Creamies” along with thousands of stickers, postcards, and yard signs. As the fireworks started, I walked down 7th East next to Liberty Park carrying a yard sign and a megaphone. As people shouted out to me, I shouted back to them and told them I needed their help in November.

Politics is not about raising money, buying ads, and hiring focus groups. Politics is about reaching the people with honesty and integrity. After the fireworks show ended, I climbed up onto a traffic light box and shouted, “My name is Pete Ashdown and I need your vote!” through the megaphone. Five minutes later, the police busted up the crowd because we were blocking a major intersection. For a brief moment, I saw Americans who weren’t cynical or apathetic, but incredibly happy to see a politician asking for their vote in person rather than over the television.

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Fun with Math



Utah 2004Barbara Boxer’s “Pac for a Change” contest ends in three days. Looking at the percentages and reported votes, more than 1,400 people have voted for me. Thank you. Considering that there are 1783 people on my mailing list, this has been an impressive rally so far. Doubling this number to beat Bob Casey in three days will be difficult, but it is worth the effort. So please vote if you haven’t, and continue to spread the word to your friends and associates.

I previously wrote regarding the funds other PFAC leaders had raised. It is also important to see how well I have done against the other Senate candidates compared to their populations. If you consider their Democratic base size (without turnout) in their respective states, it is even more impressive.

Barbara Boxer’s Top PFAC Contestants
Candidate PFAC % Population % Kerry 2004 # Kerry 2004
Bob Casey (PA) 20% 12.2M 51% 6.2M
Claire McCaskill (MO) 16% 5.6M 46% 2.6M
Sherrod Brown (OH) 15% 11.3M 49% 5.5M
Barbara Ann Radnofsky (TX) 12% 20.8M 38% 7.9M
Pete Ashdown (UT) 10% 2.2M 26% 0.6M

If you weight the vote response by population, I’m the clear winner. If you weigh it by people voting for Kerry in 2004, I’m supreme monarch and galactic poobah. Unfortunately, not much of what happens to western Democrats is fair and complaining about it doesn’t do much. Outside support and recognition are key to this race, but persistence is what will make the difference.

Thank you again for your continued efforts and encouragement.

Update:The latest total is 32,000 votes. So that makes 3,200.

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Another Option for Net Neutrality



Pure InternetCurrent efforts to enforce net neutrality give me a healthy amount of skepticism and concern, which I have written about previously. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, and I must come down on the side of less regulation of the Internet rather than more. Not only are there unintended side-effects from government regulation, but I believe efforts to control the Internet, no matter how well intentioned will only drive individuals, organizations, and companies to countries whose governments do not take a heavy hand.

I believe labeling laws are a good way to inform the consumer and keep economic playing fields level. For instance, the “juice” vs. “cocktail” labeling law informs purchasers of the content of their purchase, but keeps regulation low. I would like to see labeling expanded to tell us where all our food is sourcing from along with a strict definition of “organic”. Promoting American manufacturing is also an essential part of labeling. “Made in China” shouldn’t be the smallest print on the box.

An old friend who helped XMission in the early days of its operation contacted me recently with a unique proposition for preserving “Internet Neutrality”. It in essence “labels” the Internet so consumers and businesses know what they are buying. A proposal posted on, seeks to reach a compromise between those who would have the federal government enforce Internet Service Provider actions on a fundamental network level and telcos who hide behind “anti-regulation” as a way to preserve their self interest. The DPSProject proposal seeks to define “Internet” as exactly what it is, a network for passing traffic uninhibited by politics.

I have signed as an advocate for this idea, along with people like Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Gordon Cook, and Bruce Perens, but it needs much more attention. Please let others know about it if you hold a concern about the Internet and believe as I do, that its future is best left to the people that understand it the most.

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Vote NOW!



$1000With your help I have gone from last to third place in Barbara Boxer’s PAC for a Change contest. On Tuesday I dropped to fourth place due to a feisty Claire McCaskill going to number one.

We can win this contest. It takes less than 30 seconds for you to register your vote. Please DO IT NOW!

Compare and contrast what what the other contestants in this contest are pulling in funds-wise for their races:

Barbara Boxer’s Top PFAC Contestants
Candidate Funds Raised Funds on Hand PAC Funds
Claire McCaskill $2,869,343 $2,050,483 $437,421
Bob Casey $8,429,141 $4,474,480 $770,759
Barbara Ann Radnofsky $957,857 $281,799 $7,000
Pete Ashdown $57,222 $11,438 $0

See any differences? I applaud my fellow Democrats’ efforts, but ask yourself who would be the most fiscally conservative spending your tax dollars in Washington? I have been campaigning for over a year, put down over 18,000 miles, received national and international press attention, visited hundreds of community meetings and events, and hand pitched thousands of ice-cream Creamies to overheated children in parades everywhere. Getting a hand up from a sitting U.S. Senator will help this race considerably and I will not squander its benefit.

So please take a moment to VOTE and help me out by forwarding this message and recruiting others to help.

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