Three More Weeks

Greetings from Richfield, Utah. Today my wife, young daughter and I will travel to Koosharem, to Torrey, to Castle Dale in order to drum up more rural awareness and support. Then it is back to Salt Lake City to record debate #2 on KTVX Channel 4 which will be broadcast next Sunday, the 22nd at 9:30 AM. Be sure you also catch my live interview on KCPW at 9:00 AM on Wednesday and I’ll also be on KSL Studio 5 at 11:00 AM.

The campaign raised over $100,000 in the last quarter thanks to your help. The majority of this were small donations. I have squeezed every dime to distribute thousands of yard signs, travel over 20,000 miles, send tens of thousands of mailings, and distribute over 50,000 pieces of campaign literature, buttons, post cards, and stickers. In addition, a 30 second radio ad will be airing in Carbon County and Millard County starting today. This ad will be aired on KSL radio starting next week.

I still need your help. If you haven’t donated before, or its been a while, or if you’re just simply feeling generous, now would be a good time. In three weeks we’ll have the election and I would like to distribute another 5,000 yard signs, get more radio time, and air a television commercial. This will require another $100,000. If you can not donate, then please work to spread the word to at least 100 people who haven’t heard of my campaign in the next three weeks.

THANK YOU for your continued support. I will be honored to be your next U.S. Senator from Utah.

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5 thoughts on “Three More Weeks

  1. Great job on KCPW this morning, Pete! I missed a few minutes (stupid work making me work! :), but it was good to hear you so confidently answer the questions you were asked while I did listen. I hope they put a podcast of it up.


    Paul A Drockton has notified Mormons4Justice that he is calling in the Feds!!!
    He is asking for an investigation into the following:

    1. Joe and Chris Cannon’s involvement with convicted felon Jack Abramoff and his hard and soft money contributions to Cannon’s campaign.

    2. Farmers/Zurich/BAT donations to Chris Cannon’s congressional campaigns since 2002 and their relationship to his ongoing discrimination/retaliation complaint against those companies.

    3. Money Laundering of Farmers/Zurich/BAT through other PACS to Chris Cannon’s campaigns to avoid public scrutiny.

    4. RICO charges against Farmers/Zurich/BAT and the Cannons.

    5. The continued interference of the Cannon’s and Farmers/Zurich/BAT into Paul Drockton’s personal and business relationships. Including repeated attempts to discredit him and harrass him through the Internal Revenue Service.

    6. The relationships between the Cannons and Farmers/BAT/Zurich and Drockton’s attorney/client relationships.

    7. The relationship of Farmers/Zurich/BAT and the Cannons with convicted felon Jill Beard and Curt Windhorst AKA: Curt McLaughlin.

    8. The suspicious nature of the car accident that left Mr. Drockton partially disabled with a head injury. Other possible attempts on Mr. Drockton’s life and well-being.

    9. The concerted effort to discredit Drockton through defamation, libel and slander.

  3. I dragged several people into my office to watch the links posted on DailyKos. They were all surprised and impressed. I believe… I believe… I believe…


  4. Law Enforcement has been notified. We found out today that Mr. Drockton recently gave an interview to the Deseret News. He pointed out that the reporter was extremely interested in the whereabouts of one Curt Windhorst, AKA McLaughlin. He went over the Cannon findings and the FBI complaint. She asked him if he went to the FBI in person. She also seemed very surprised to learn that Mr. Drockton had given Chris Cannon all of the documents relating to the discrimination complaint after he found out Farmers was trying to destroy him in 2002.

    Chris Cannons financial fortunes turned around after he got Drockton’s info and apparantly used it to solicit campaign contributions from Farmers/Zurich. His 1.7 million dollar loan was also paid shortly after he came into this information.

    Here’s the dilemna:

    1. If the Feds have Windhorst, what else do they have? Thus, the reporters question.

    2. If the Deseret News smears Drockton and Cannon is still indicted it permanently destroys their credibility as the LDS Church Newspaper.

    3. If they don’t do a story, after being fed the information for over 4 years, then they can be held criminally liable for suppressing it. More importantly, Joe Cannon is forced to resign after an indictment of he and his brother.

    4. If Democrats take over Congress, Republicans go into the Minority and Cannon faces an ethics investigation from them over Abramoff and the Farmers scandal.

    5. Enough people now know the story and are spreading it around.

    For those interested in impacting the outcome please contact the newspaper at the following. Call, fax and e-mail. ask them why they will not publish the Drockton story. Tell them that you are concerned that the Church Newspaper is now the Cannon Newspaper. He does, after all, sit on the Board of Directors.

    Don’t let anyone tell you they don’t have the facts or this isn’t newsworthy! You know better!

    LDS Church News —

    (801) 237-2141
    fax: (801) 237-2524;

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