It took a couple days, but the anger is building in Utah over the favoritism that Senator Hatch handed down from on high to Dallas Austin.
The Salt Lake Tribune noted the raw nerves touched by this action, along with the bafflement of one prominent Republican legislator, Curt Bramble. At the Standard Examiner, Charles F. Trentelman editorialized that all “well-connected music producers” needed for a “get out of jail free” card was Hatch’s office number.
My favorite reaction was the X96 “Radio From Hell” hosts who said Hatch should get a big pitcher of lemonade and retire to the porch with a banjo where he can sing his songs and chase away kids with a garden hose. They also contrasted Dallas Austin with Weldon Angelos, currently serving a mandatory federal 55-year-term for a first time offense of selling marijuana. The clincher? He had a gun in a leg holster (which wasn’t brandished). Oh yeah, and he was in Utah instead of the United Arab Emirates, where Orrin Hatch has more control over sentencing.
The blogger reaction has been voracious. Phil Windley weighs in, crediting Utah’s senator for being a team player, IPAC compares the punishment for smuggling cocaine with Internet file trading, and finally Ethan Millard gives us his vision of “my little friend.”
Most revealing of all are the online articles for KSL and the Daily Herald. Be sure to read the comments to see how Hollywood Hatch has infuriated Utahns and cemented the view that I have had since the start, that Utah is not his top priority.
Are you angry too? I need YOUR vote.